Welcome to Ubimaior

ubimaior is a package to manage hierarchical configurations split over multiple files and scopes. It's strongly inspired by the way Spack manages its configuration and aims at replicating the same user-level mechanism with an API that mimics Python built-in objects.

Getting started

Many applications or libraries are customizable using configuration files, environment variables or command line arguments. In general a software can define different places, or scopes, where its configuration is stored or from where it is retrieved from.

Usually the semantics is such that configuration set in a higher scope overrides the one set in a lower scope. ubimaior, instead, gives the ability to either override or merge options when they are defined in a dictionary or list.

Consider for instance having rules in your configuration to enable or disable certain features of your application:

  # "enable" is a list of objects defining a list
  # of plugins to enable
    - name: plugin1
      options: "foo,fee"

and assume that a config.yaml file can be stored either at the system level in /etc/app, with higher precedence, or at the user level in ~/.app, with lower precedence. In that case, if we have in /etc/app/config.yaml:

    - name: plugin1
      options: 'foo'

and in ~/.app/config.yaml:

    - name: plugin2
      options: 'bar,baz'

what the application will receive as input configuration will be:

    - name: plugin1
      options: 'foo'
    - name: plugin2
      options: 'bar,baz'

i.e. a merge of the two files with a list / dictionary order that respects priority.

Use ubimaior in your project

Using ubimaior in a project is rather simple. The basic functionality is available through the ubimaior.load function. Let's go back to our previous example and assume we want to load the configuration split across the two config.yaml files in the "system" and "user" scope. A single call to ubimaior.load can do that:

import ubimaior

config = ubimaior.load(
    config_name='config', config_format='yaml',
    scopes=[('system', '/etc/app'), ('user', '~/.app')]

The name of the config file is determined by the config_name and the config_format arguments. The scopes argument instead defines the configuration scopes as a (name, path) tuple.

The config object is an instance of ubimaior.mapping.OverridableMapping and behaves effectively as a built-in dictionary:

assert len(config) == 1
assert len(config['config']['enable']) == 2

while the config['config']['enable'] item is an instance of ubimaior.sequence.MergedSequence and behaves like a tuple. For instance, we can add a new key:

config['config']['data_dir'] = './data'

To serialize our changes back to disk we need to call:

import ubimaior

    config.flattened(), config_name='config', config_format='yaml',
    scopes=[('system', '/etc/app'), ('user', '~/.app')]


  • ubimaior show - Display the merged configuration file.
  • ubimaior -h - Print help message and exit.

Project layout

mkdocs.yml    # Configuration file for docs
.github/      # Github configuration files
    index.md  # The documentation homepage
    ...       # Other markdown pages, images and other files
tests/        # Unit tests
ubimaior/     # Code for the package